Hi there and welcome to ADVENTURE 52. This is an online magazine dedicated to adventure lifestyle that I created and launched in November 2010.
The ‘fifty two’ in the name refers to the 52 weeks of the year and that we must make the most of every one of them.
My name is Dan Tye and I started Adventure 52 to create a website that brought together all the different aspects of adventure together in one place.
My aim is to share my own and other people’s adventures so you can make the most of your life and use the free time you have more effectively.
I’m 45 and started my career initially as a pilot in the RAF. I then went on to do all sorts, working as a postman, a ski instructor and eventually a magazine journalist. I started my career at Motor Cycle News and went on to become the deputy editor at Pilot magazine and then the editor of Bike Trader. In 2020 I passed my Summer Mountain Leader qualification.
Over the past 14 years Adventure 52 has grown organically to serve thousands of visitors from around the world all enjoying the interesting mix of subjects the site covers.

Learning to fly a paramotor
Our main categories are NEWS and FEATURES where we bring you snippets of the latest adventure news and long-form feature-length stories, often written from my own experiences.
ADVENTURE FASHION is where you’ll find the latest Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter collections from many of the outdoor brands.
NEW KIT is where we post about new clothing and innovations as we hear about them and we then go on to look at them in more details in our REVIEWS.
FIRESIDE READING covers all the latest adventure books.
We also look at adventurous places where you can stay, listing the best we find under RUSTIC RETREAT.
Finally, under the INTERVIEWS category we ask adventurers five questions to find out more about their motivation and outlook on life.

On a windswept Suilven in the far north of Scotland – July 2020
Dan says: “When I started Adventure 52, I wanted a website that brought together all aspects of adventure in one place. I actually set it up so that I’d start doing more adventurous things during the weekends. I became more aware of just how quickly each of the 52 weeks go by. You soon start to feel like you will never get round to living the life you imagine. Not all of us can become a full-time adventurer, but we all can at least do one small thing each day to live more adventurously.”

On the famous Aonach Eagach ridge in Glencoe – September 2020
“The unique aspect of Adventure 52 is that it brings together a number of adventure sports which have common themes. So you’ll see that we’ve pitched the categories of Adventure 52 to cater for this and there’s a strong lifestyle theme to everything we write about.”
“We all have 52 weeks in a year, but it’s how we use them that counts. I hope this online magazine along with a weekly email, gives you the direction you need to get more out of life.”
Send any adventure news or stories to Dan at editor@adventure52.com
If you’re a brand looking to work with us please check out our advertising page.

Firelighting in the Skane region of Sweden