61-year-old Brit will climb Everest this April

61-year-old Brit will climb Everest this April

61-year-old Simon Knighton from Marlborough, Wiltshire, will climb Mount Everest in April 2011 with the aim of raising £100,000 for the charity Age UK and local good causes. Age UK is the new force combining Age Concern and Help the Aged, dedicated to improving later life.

Simon, who has held roles at a senior level for a number of UK charities and social enterprises, will be taking a three month career break to achieve his ambition to become the second British man over the age of 60 to successfully summit Mount Everest. By taking on the challenge, he hopes to show that everyone has the potential to do something incredible, whatever their age.

Simon said,

“I’m by no means a professional mountaineer and climbing Mount Everest will be the greatest challenge of my life. I’ve been training for the climb for a year and whilst I feel confident I can tackle Everest, I know that luck will have a significant part to play in my success.”

Simon is anticipating that the separation from his family for over two months will be one of the most challenging aspects of the experience and his first grandchild is due whilst he will be tackling the climb.

He’s dedicating the expedition to Age UK and local charitable organisations because he feels that we should all have access to health and wellbeing services in later life.

“I’m also hoping my experience will inspire others to set themselves a personal challenge and do something extraordinary for charity,” he said.

To donate to Simon’s Mount Everest climb, please visit http://www.justgiving.com/simon-knighton.