Week 13 Now Online
THE Week 13 issue is now online under the 'READ A52' tab. Access is now FREE and you just need to spend a few moments selecting a username and passwor [...]

Week 12 Now Online
Inside this week we have:
A taste of what it's like to go wingwalking
Why we're all becoming more adventurous - young and old.
An exclusive in [...]

Week 11 Now Online
TO see the latest issue, sign in on the Adventure 52 homepage with your username and password then click on the ‘READ A52' tab
Inside this week we [...]

Week 10 Now Online
WE’RE feeling like going for a swim here at Adventure 52 this week. This is in part to La Senza showing off its newest swimwear range with some stunni [...]

Week 9 Now Online
IT was only after finishing this week’s issue when I realised that all of the features - apart from Triumph’s new motorcycle - don’t involve the use o [...]

Week 8 Now Online
I LOVE the National Trust’s ‘Outdoor Gym’ concept. If you’ve ever needed a programme that you can follow for free then it’s this. You can download a m [...]

Week 7 now online
GETTING fit enough for an adventure is often a struggle. We commit ourselves to a date, which is weeks or months in advance, knowing full well that to [...]

Week 6 Now Online
IT'S Week 6 already.
Sign in on the Adventure 52 homepage with your username and password then click on the 'READ A52' tab to see the latest issue. [...]

Week 5 now online
SIGN in with your username and password then click on the 'READ A52' tab to see this week's issue.
Inside this week's issue we have:
detail [...]

Week 4 Now Online
SIGN in with your username and password then click on the 'READ A52' tab to see this week's issue.
Inside Week 4 we have:
a look at Laura Crick [...]

Week 3 Now Online
SIGN in with your username and password then click on the 'READ A52' tab to see this week's issue.
Inside this week we have:
details on how to [...]

Week 3 now online
EVER wished you could escape to a remote island? Then this week's issue tells all about a new atlas featuring 50 of the loneliest islands in the world [...]

Week 2 now online
LOG IN with your username and password then click on the 'READ A52' tab to see the Week 2 issue of Adventure 52!
Inside this week's issue we have:
13 / 13 POSTS