Book tickets to see The Ultimate Triathlon
After you've seen the trailer, you'll want to see more [...]

Trailer for the new Swallows and Amazons film
Re-make of the film is out in August [...]

SHERPA film in cinemas 18 December
Award-winning documentary comes to the big screen [...]

Video: Climbing Ice
13th film in the SmugMug Films series [...]

What’s happening at the Kendal Mountain Festival this year? say there's a lot going on is an understatement [...]

Why you need to go to the Sheffield Adventure Film Festival in March
New trailer gives a taste of what to expect at this year's ShAFF. [...]

Trailer for Cerro Torre will make you want more
Shows David Lama free climbing the Compressor Route [...]

Blood fridge for hospital near ‘perfect adventure sports territory’
Sheffield Northern General Hospital often treats patients injured doing adventure sports [...]

The Epic of Everest film – restored footage from Mallory’s climb
TONIGHT I'm going to a press showing of The Epic of Everest film.
The film is made from old footage from the 1924 expedition to climb Everest (when [...]

Kendal Mountain Festival starts tomorrow
Take in some of the best mountain culture [...]