Category: Virgin Money South Pole Allied Challenge
Reports from the 2013 Virgin Money South Pole Allied Challenge.

Prince Harry to arrive at the South Pole tomorrow
THE Virgin Money South Pole Allied Challenge finally draws to a close tomorrow afternoon, as all three teams of wounded servicemen arrive at the South [...]

Walking Home for Christmas event 20th December
Show Your Support For The Virgin Money South Pole Allied Challenge Team By Walking Home For Christmas.
ON 20 December 2013, Walking With The Wounde [...]

Day 5 – racing element stopped, but expedition will go on
ON Day 5 of the Virgin Money South Pole Allied Challenge the decision has been made to call off the racing element of the challenge.
Expedition Dir [...]

Day 4 – Teams at a 24-hour rest checkpoint
THIS is a photo of the actor Dominic West who is part of Team Soldier On.
He's shattered but still smiling and as the team leader, Eric Philips, sa [...]

Day 3 – The Antarctic Bites Back
On Day 3 of the Virgin Money South Pole Allied Challenge the teams have struggled with the seemingly never-ending sastrugi-sharp grooves formed on the [...]

Day 2 – Teams face Sastrugi fields
Day 2 of the Virgin Money South Pole Allied Challenge has seen renewed determination from all team members.
After breaking camp yesterday morning T [...]

Day 1 – First Day on the Ice
TEAM Glenfiddich, Team Noom Coach and Team Soldier On began Day 1 of the Virgin Money South Pole Allied Challenge yesterday, Sunday 1 December, full o [...]
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