How often do you see American outdoor gear on social media and just wish it was available over here?
Well here’s a brand that you can buy. You might not have heard of NEMO Equipment, but thankfully the team at the Herefordshire-based Trekitt have and they’re now stocking a few items including this cool new tent design.
It’s called the Dagger Ridge Porch and it’s a backpacking tent but one with a built-in porch area that balloons out wide at the front.
It’s an absolutely brilliant idea and hats off to NEMO for their bold design. The porch is 3.9 square metres in size. In real terms that means you and a friend/lover can sit inside on luxury chairs with plenty of headroom and even have space for other bits of outdoor gear. If you love mountain biking or road cycling, then you can fit your bikes in too.
There’s also a door at the back along with a smaller storage area, so if the front is full up you can still quickly and easily get out of the back. It also means you won’t trample on your partner when you get up in the night.
It’s available as a 2P (2-person and £549.99) or 3P (3-person and £649.99) model with the packed weights being 2.99kg and 3.32kg, so it’s just right to share between two backpacks or load on to bikes. The porch area is the same size for each model.
The large door on the porch unzips and folds into a pocket on the side and this means there’s no time-consuming door rolling-up to do. There are storage pockets in the porch area too, and they’re just at the right height to sit in a chair and reach in to.
Further inside there’s a loop for a lantern and best of all there is a line of loops to let you string up fairy lights.
NEMO has even added loops for fairy lights
Trekitt has been selling tents since 1986 and Mark Trepte the Commercial Director says: “We’re seeing a big trend in people looking for a covered cooking area or gear storage space. It’s often cited as a reason for going for a bigger tent, but these extended porch models are gaining in popularity because they offer this extra space but at a lower weight penalty compared to buying a bigger tent.”
Available from independent retailer Trekitt